Band Nonlinearity-Enabled Manipulation of Dirac Nodes, Weyl Cones, and Valleytronics with Intense Linearly Polarized Light


We study low-frequency linearly polarized laser-dressing in materials with valley (graphene and hexagonal-Boron-Nitride) and topological (Dirac- and Weyl-semimetals) properties. In Dirac-like linearly dispersing bands, the laser substantially moves the Dirac nodes away from their original position, and the movement direction can be fully controlled by rotating the laser polarization. We prove that this effect originates from band nonlinearities away from the Dirac nodes. We further demonstrate that this physical mechanism is widely applicable and can move the positions of the valley minima in hexagonal materials to tune valley selectivity, split and move Weyl cones in higher-order Weyl semimetals, and merge Dirac nodes in three-dimensional Dirac semimetals. The model results are validated with ab initio calculations. Our results directly affect efforts for exploring light-dressed electronic structure, suggesting that one can benefit from band nonlinearity for tailoring material properties, and highlight the importance of the full band structure in nonlinear optical phenomena in solids.

Nano Letters